I'm not sure what happened to my post so I will try to recreate this as best I can:
I've posted a separate thread (under part II) with regards to my "set up" of my attempt to rehydrate these two. I couldn't fit all the pics in one post.
I neglected all of my plants, including my orchids, for almost a year. At the start of 2019, I cleaned out all my dead plants. However these two orchids I couldn't get rid of these two as they were very big on my wish list and I see some signs of it struggling to survive. If I got my act together, can they be saved? What do I need to do to rehabilitate them (and redeem myself)?
Stellamizutaara Kelly Lea - severely dehydrated with no good roots left as far as I can see. There is one leaf left and a small growth right next to it
I did cut off as best I could all the dead roots and there were a couple that were still firm but there are no new roots. What can I do to encourage the new growth and roots?
Psychopsis Mendenhall Hildos - severely dehydrated but I have a little higher hopes for this one. There are two bulbs and one has two new growths coming out of it. I have also treated it the same as the Stellamizutaara, except this is still potted in the medium it was in when I got it last year. It is also sitting in a covered cup on a net pot over a bit of water for humidity.
How do I go about rehydrating this guy without rotting the poor thing?
Please correct me if I'm going about this the wrong way or its a lost cause!