Welcome! I collect perfume as well. What are some of your most treasured ones?
Originally Posted by Chiru
What made you go from like to love?
Years ago we lived on a half acre and I was a very practical gardener. I didn't grow flowers. I grew food and medicine, and if some of it happened to produce pretty blooms, that was fine.
We then moved to a relatively small place with a little space outside and great light inside. I got my first house plants and for the first time had the pleasure of growing things solely for their beauty.
Without a lot of space to work with, I chose small species and cultivars. I started experimenting with open and closed terraria to simulate a variety of climate conditions. This naturally led me to look at miniature orchids. And when I brought home a
Neofinetia falcata in spike, it was essentially a time bomb. When that sucker bloomed I was done for, hooked!