Orchidinterests ..

Aboard...The OB is a great place and a wonderful bunch of members. We have a nightly chat not that we always stay on task but we welcome you to visit. Please see the gallery area and submit pictures of your chids to share with us all and visa versa ... so back to your question....
Nobile and Non-Nobile Types: Repotting and dividing should be undertaken in the spring either immediately after flowering or just as new growth starts. These plants need the roots confining and should always be under potted rather than over potted as this will help prevent over watering. These plants produce an enormous amount of aerial roots and so are ideal candidates for growing in many ways other than pots. They can be mounted on cork bark or even grown over a tree stump, they will become top heavy though but thanks to the abundance of anchoring roots should be stable by the following season after mounting.
My personal experience with Dends, right now mine have a mind of there own and giving me some back talk

: about there enviroment. I grow indoors and they needed a bit of adjustment and finally adapting. I do not expect them to share in blooming this year but watch out, next year hopefully they will share with me my hard earned work...lol. Please keep us posted on your mounting dend experience.