Yellow blotches on tops of Cattleya's leaves. Too much sun?
Ok guys. I really appreciate everyone who has helped me thus far but I have one more question/concern. I truly blame my newbieness, not knowing is just so worrisome. I ordered this cattleya from an orchid nursury about a month ago. When she arrived she had no yellow leaves. (She was shipped from hawaii to Idaho in winter but with heat packs, night time temps still were above freezing). When she first arrived I started researching advice on caring for cattleyas (she is my first) and I found that AOS recommends for northern states to give cattleyas as much sun as possible. So I tried setting her on a windowsill that gets pretty much constant sunlight. However about a week passed and I found she has these yellow blotches on her leaves so I quickly relocated her to a bright but less direct sunlight location. Do you guys think this is just due to too much direct sun? Could it be something else I need to change?
Lastly I included a few photos of the undersides of her leaves but I will create a second thread probably for it just for searching and post identification reasons. She has these strange brownish/reddish bumps. She had these when she was shipped to me and she was shipped in a box with multiple US DEPT OF AG stickers signing off her quarantine release for no pests, viruses or diseases. This was a big comfort so I didn't think too much about these little bumps but just once again, worry makes me want to be sure! Any thoughts on what they might be? I tried wiping them away with an alcohol que-tip but nothing came off so I don't believe they are scale. I didn't do a super hard scrub but I have seen scale comes off pretty easily and would prefer to not damage her leaves for no reason!
Last edited by emmajs243; 12-16-2018 at 08:40 PM..
Reason: Typo!