What is this growing at the base of my Cymbidium?
Ok final post I promise! Guys, I have researched and researched AND researched and there just isn't much info about cymbidiums out there. Especially in comparison to other types of orchids. I would guess this is because they are colder growers but! It makes it really tough as a newbie! So I have seen photos of a cymbidium new pseudobulbs and spikes once they look like little green unicorn horns (or this is what my 3 year old niece believes them to be which, is actually a pretty darn good description so I will use her words!)
I have this growth at the base of my cymbidium however it doesn't look like a green unicorn horn! Is this maybe just because it's very early on in the growing process? What do you think it is? I have read that cymbidiums grow during summer and not winter so it shouldn't be producing new growth right now correct? It is just hard to find info about the cymbidiums growth cycles! I wish someone would share their knowledge! Also, if this is a new growth would I want to fertilize or increase watering??