A month ago I purchased my first orchid ever from one of the big box home improvement stores a Better-gro bag orchid. A Cattleya walkeriana semi alba 'Carmela'. The plant medium was totally dry and most of the pseudobulbs were shrunken. When dampened the medium had a musty smell sort of like decaying leaves. The leaves were a dark green. A quick read on the several sites (AOS was one) on net told to repot asap. I did the next day in a regular Terra cotta 5" pot with an medium course orchid mix containing bark, charcoal and sponge rock I'd had used potted my Guzmania. Most of the roots were rotten (97%+). Of course now I know I have over potted it and positioned wrong in said pot. I most likely damaged any semi good roots that we're left. Some nice folks on another orchid board had some suggestions on how to care for this orchid but most of them are in the south with a totally different weather and environment than I am in (sunshine?? what's that??). It seem like this orchid has "stalled" and by that I mean it isn't dying but its not really showing signs growing either. No root growth that I can tell nor any new nodes (??) that I can see. These are photos of what she looks like today. What should I do if anything differently? I have not fertilized it because I didn't want to burn what few roots she may have and I water about every 7 days. She's in a room with good afternoon light and is kept at 65-70 F with 50-60% humidity. I have placed a few wads of moss on top of the media to help with humidity around the root area