My hanging brassia is now growing tall where in the past it has taken up the sides of the pot. It looks like its growing away from the sides and growing taller instead. It has flower spikes as usual [10 to 15 in each pot] but I am a bit intrigued about why it has decided to grow up this year instead of out. I can take a guess at things but would like to know other peoples ideas. Thanks in advance.
Did it get moved this year? Is the light coming from a different angle? Could there be an outdoor influence such as a tree or limb being removed? Things to consider.
same place. same outlook. same flower spikes. Just looks taller and thinner in general. Maybe they are root bound but the roots would usually come over the pot edge and thats not a bad thing anyway. The problem is dividing a plant that is tall. Anyway flowers are coming as usual so not a problem.