Brassia & Blc stop new growth-why?
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Old 03-21-2008, 10:05 PM
Helen Helen is offline
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Default Brassia & Blc stop new growth-why?

Does anyone know why my Brassia and my Blc. both have stopped part way thru their new stem growth?
My Eplc has a new shoot and lots of roots starting and all are in the same area. They both started off great, with pretty fast growth and then both stopped with a part leave starting to unravel.
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Old 03-21-2008, 10:30 PM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Could you post pics please? That would help a lot.
You might look at the amount of watering and fertilizer. Usually when there is new growth, you increase water/fertilizer a bit. ????
I'm just taking a stab here....and I'm no expert, for sure.
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Old 03-22-2008, 12:40 AM
Helen Helen is offline
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Originally Posted by kiki-do View Post
Could you post pics please? That would help a lot.
You might look at the amount of watering and fertilizer. Usually when there is new growth, you increase water/fertilizer a bit. ????
I'm just taking a stab here....and I'm no expert, for sure.
Thanks Kiki,
Here's some (not so good) photos...hope you can see the new growths okay. I fertilize every other watering, and water every 8 days or so...I'm always afraid to overwater. Only thing I did different was add some flourescent lighting and the shoot on the Blc turned reddish.
p.s. sorry the colouring isn't good on the photos...lots of light in order to get a photo with webcam.
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Brassia &amp; Blc stop new growth-why?-brassia1-jpg   Brassia &amp; Blc stop new growth-why?-blc-1-jpg   Brassia &amp; Blc stop new growth-why?-blc-2-jpg  
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Old 03-22-2008, 06:56 AM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Hi Helen, The pictures are not helping, too dark.
How long have you had this plant, and what medium is it in? The 3rd pic looks like the roots and everything is growing up out of the pot. Is it time for a change perhaps of fresh medium? I don't have a Brassia, but I think they need more watering then that. I also know they do not like to be misted. I have a very young Blc. so am not that knowledgeable about either. I water my Blc every 4 days, but because it's so young, I don't soak it long.
Are the leaves pleating? I didn't know what you meant about leaves starting to unravel. If it's pleating, that would be an indication that it's not getting watered enough.
I hope someone else will see this post...someone with more knowledge than I.
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Old 03-22-2008, 01:02 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Hi Helen! How long would you say these growths have been stalled out? I've experienced "pauses" in new growth. Not sure what causes it, but it normally doesn't last longer than a few weeks. What are your temps like? If it's too cool it could be slowing down the growth. The reddish tinge on your catt is a good thing, just make sure it doesn't burn. They like high light so that slightly red tinge tells me it's getting enough. All my Onc. alliance plants are heavy feeders when actively growing. I agree with Kiki that the Brassia may not be getting enough water or food. I fertilize weekly at 125ppm N, and I'm having great results this spring. Nearly everything I have is either in bloom or spiking, or growing new growths.

If the lights are relatively new to your grow area your plants may be trying to adjust to the additional light. That's probably not it though. When I put lights up everything started growing like a weed right away.
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:17 PM
Helen Helen is offline
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"Hi Helen, The pictures are not helping, too dark.
How long have you had this plant, and what medium is it in? The 3rd pic looks like the roots and everything is growing up out of the pot. Is it time for a change perhaps of fresh medium?"

Thanks Kiki,
I just purchased it on Jan. 20th. The roots were all over the place and everything was out of hand...this was the best I could do with it..I couldn't get the rhizome any lower in the pot because the roots were so massive. I'm thinking now that I should have tried to bend and wrap the roots around the inside of the pot somehow??? but I'm new at this, so I totally didn't know how to deal with it all....thus, a good size clay pot with a rhizome high up is in new bark mix and within a few weeks it started this great new growth which grew quickly and then stopped mid March...just after I applied more flourescent lighting. I have been misting the roots when I remember to. I went to an orchid nursery today (Cloud's) and I was told that it is "NORMAL" for orchids to stop so that they can store up more energy to continue growing...something to that effect. I'm not as worried now. Whew...
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:31 PM
Helen Helen is offline
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Thanks for your input Terri!
The stalling has been about two weeks now approx. My temps are 66F at night and from 74F and higher if really sunny (east window). I have a small fogger going and a fan running 16 hrs a day. Humidity is at 40 - 47 or so depending on the day...even with water trays. I'm using a form of MSU fertilizer (12-2-14-6CA-3MG), 1/4 tsp per gallon and I water every 2nd watering. Not sure if that equates to 125ppmN. My Eplc is sending out roots galore and what looks like a small sprout starting (I hope). Anyway, if you read my previous post to Kiki, I need some advice on how to repot this big brute yet again, and also should I repot at this time, seeing I'm waiting for it to start growing again?
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:37 PM
Ironwood Ironwood is offline
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Brassia &amp; Blc stop new growth-why? Male

Helen, I would say they are not getting enough water. Fresh bark does not retain water as well as aged bark and also being in a clay pot the pot is porous therefore the water evaporates more quickly and if the humidity is as low in your house as mine this time of year then even more chance for evaporation. I mist my exposed roots quite heavily each day.
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Old 03-22-2008, 07:40 PM
Helen Helen is offline
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Ken, yes, I noticed that they seem to be drying out faster now...I'll try watering more now..thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it!
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