Many Pleurothallis, Lepanthes, Stelis, Dracula, and other genera of Pleurothallids grow under similar light conditions as Phalaenopsis do.
There are a lot to choose from.
Calanthe? They are not very bright light growing. If you can grow a Phal, they can grow under similar light requirements.
Warrea warreana grows under Phalaenopsis light conditions as well. They are sympodial.
Maybe even try Sievekingia, Coryanthes, or Stanhopea.
Spathoglottis does not really require high light either. Spathoglottis plicata has Phalaenopsis-like flowers but they superficially look like Zygopetalum vegetatively.
Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 10-03-2018 at 11:35 AM..