Hello all

In need of some advice please on what to do next for a dehydrated actively growing cattleya?
I got a large

mature division ChunYeah#8 on 9th Aug 2018 (Note to oneself & newbies: must check size before buying on the net when there is limited grow space)
Cleaned, chopped off dead roots (almost 95% of the roots were removed from old p/bulbs) and repotted into S/H (25 Aug 2018)
Since then, the new shoot has grown (with happy sap

) and I have active growing roots.
Due to lack of roots on old p/bulb, the leaves are getting wrinkly and soft - I cannot accommodate a humidifier at all.
There are also clay deposit accumulating around the vase near the dry-line.
MY PLANS - Remove the plant, wash vase and media
- Remove dead roots and rotting material
- To re-hydrate the plant - soak/drown the entire plant overnight including the crispy dried dormant sheath and new growth by using the TeaBag & Lemon/Wet Dry Cycle (Dry out during the day) until till it recovers abit and repot it back in S/H. OR
- Find a huge bag or something and place it over the entire plant, so not to disturb it in its growing environment?

MY CONCERNS- Assuming I completely soak the plant and dry it thoroughly - will there be a potential rot problem on the new growths, new roots, dormant sheath?
- The dried up scars on leaves from previous infection (I received it like this) - will this be a problem? If this potentially becomes a problem and gradually gets worse cut into healthy tissue and remove the infected part?
Whats the difference between the 2 new growth? one looks like a shoot and the other looks like a leaf?
I may have answered my own questions, but need some expert reassurance.
