Hi everyone,
Sorry if I am doing this wrong - this is my first post. I have been keeping orchids for several months (which started with some rescue phalaenopsis that a friend gave me) and now have a nice collection that all seem to be very happy. I like to purchase my plants before their first flower and have not come across anything like this before.
Today I was given this cattleya (Shinfong Beauty X Tzeng-Wen Sunset) and am super confused. At first glance it looks unifoliate, but one pseudobulb had two rigid leaves. There are also raised brown marks on the pseudobulbs that I only discovered after the sheaths were removed - which I am hoping are some kind of scars - they do not move and are very hard to touch. It also has empty (flower?) sheaths - I know this can be normal, but there are 4 and only one has flowered (the plant itself is pretty small). It also has 3 new growth buds (that I can see). Two of the leaves have been cut and I will be keeping an eye on the larger leaf as I dont like the black soft edge.
I repotted it when I got it home today as it was covered in moss and was potted in a combination of soil and styrofoam. There were alot of dead roots in the middle, but those on the outside looked good. I have overpotted it sightly (in 100mm) as I would of snapped the roots if I put it into anything smaller.
There is alot going on with this little one! Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated - thank you all in advance