Don't argue with success. It is growing. That is what it is supposed to do. Those new growths are necessary for the long-term survival of the plant, since the older parts will eventually die, no living thing is immortal. (Children suck energy too, but if people didn't have them the species would die out)
It is indeed a keiki. I wouldn't fret over their appearance.
The mother cane may very well be slowing down because it is reaching its full growth. Keikis can be a short term "drain" on the plant, but as they leaf out they will start pulling their own weight by manufacturing food via photosynthesis. Eventually, once the keikis have their own roots (1-2inches long) you can remove the keiki and pot it up.
Thank you! It puts my mind at ease to have your advice on this. I guess in my mind i equated keiki with distresed plant so I was a bit worried I’ve only had this dendrobium and one more for a couple of months and still trying to figure them out. For the phals I have the sticky with the phal abuse ends was awesome and I felt pretty comfortable caring for them but these dens are a bit different. I’ll let it grow and then loop you guys in when it’s ready to find a pot on its own Thank you!
Update again Now that it’s grown for another week and a half I think that it’s a flower spike. A very weird flower spike because it’s growing sideways and after about less than a month after I cut its previous flower spike, but flower spike still. Me thinks at any rate by the way - the only reason it is wet is that it was raining outside and they get splashed a bit through the mosquito net. they dry pretty fast but I will dry them if it’s too muggy.
Definitely a flower spike. These can, and often do, grow sideways - depending on where the leaves are, they will figure out how to escape so that they can display their flowers.
Final update for this post I wanted to share what happened in the end. Looks like everyone was right in the end I have both flowers and a keiki I wanted to share a picture with the first flower that opened and I’ll show you the keiki as well since now it has a bunch of roots so it’s quite clear what it is. Thank you for all your help! I would not have this pretty flower without you guys!
The flower is beautiful! You now know you have a Dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrid. With that information you can read more about them, but you obviously know how to grow them.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.