Hello! This is my first orchid, but I know I'll be here for awhile as I'm already hooked. Last week I picked up a 2" baby phalaenopsis orchid from the grocery store. I knew little about orchids but have since done some research and feel I know some basics. I think I'm not overwatering as I give approx 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a week and I've found a bright window sill with very little direct sunlight.
As soon as I took it home, I noticed that the roots didn't look amazing. I cant tell what kind of material they grew this orchid in, but it's not what I've normally seen online. A couple of the roots near the surface had shrivelled and died, some roots below the surface had some small black spots and there were some fuzzy white hairs appearing from a few of them. I also noticed that when the florist put the wooden support spikes in the media (the ones that clip to the flower spikes to keep them held up), the wood spikes pierced 2 roots right in half, which also now look dead. Many other roots still appear mostly green, but have a lot of small black spots.
Despite the roots not looking great, the orchid itself looks healthy enough, is in full bloom, is producing new shoots(?) off of preexisting flower spikes and appears healthy, apart from the leaves becoming slightly droopy in the last few days. It lost one flower and a developing blossom when I took it home, but I figured that was just due to stress of a new environment. However, on that same flower spike, I've now noticed the stem becoming brown and shrivelled in a few spots.
I'd love and appreciate any help or guidance. I'm wondering if simply it's too cramped in it's small plastic container and I need to repot, or if something worse could be happening to my poor plant. I have no experience with orchids and would love to know if what I'm experiencing is normal or if I need to intervene! Thanks in advance!