Well, there's definitely a temperature differential that occurs in winter for my plants. So it's not a lack of that. I guess this is all pointing towards more light then?
I did have all of them under lights except the longiflorum this winter. Like I mentioned before, I even burned the lobbii by giving it too much light. I don't even keep my cattleyas under lights in the winter and they bloom reliably. I didn't even keep the cattleyas outside last year, they were sitting in my bay window which definitely gets less light than the yard. Kind of disappointing to hear that they require more light to bloom than cattleyas! Maybe I should move the bulbos into more sunlight in the yard right now? I have the cattleyas sitting where they get some direct sun but the bulbos are shielded and getting only indirect light. Again, this is the same amount of light that the mounted encyclia and dendrobium get and they bloomed fine last year, if that's any indication of the kind of indirect light I'm talking about in my yard.