Originally Posted by eager2learn
Why salt?
What about temp?
I heard low-temps triggers the flowering process.
Epsom salt is not "salt" (sodium chloride, bad bad bad for orchids)... it is Magnesium Sulfate... it is added if the water is very low in magnesium and plants show evidence of deficiency. I have heard it suggested that it can be a bloom booster for Cymbidiums, but I haven't seen any evidence. Most water supplies contain adequate magnesium, but if using very pure water a supplement (which is also contained in some pure-water fertilizer formulations) may be in order. So first, it is important to know the chemical composition of YOUR water... what works for someone else may not work for you.
Commercial growers "shock" Phals with lower night temperatures for a week or two, to "time" their blooming to the major holidays or for shows. For the hobby grower, the natural temperature drop in fall is quite sufficient. (We don't usually heat our houses to summer temperatures all winter so it just happens in the course of time) If a Phal doesn't bloom but is otherwise healthy, the culprit is usually inadequate light (and /or inadequate light duration)