Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks
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Old 05-31-2018, 02:17 PM
mkampf mkampf is offline
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks
Cool Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks

I am fairly new to orchids but was lucky enough to obtain this Dove orchid. I don't want to let it down. I feed it weekly and water it every 4 days. I leave in east facing window most of the day. I obtained it and it was very healthy and now it looks like one leaf is getting weak and wilted and several others leaves have brown streaks. The one bulb looks slightly shriveled so I mist it with water. Am I over watering or under watering? What should I do?
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Old 05-31-2018, 02:33 PM
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Just make some random comments on other posts and you will be able to add some pictures. That will help others to give an informed opinion.
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Old 05-31-2018, 03:18 PM
greenpassion greenpassion is offline
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks Female

Welcome! Just post "Hello's" to members, and then your in!
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Old 06-01-2018, 03:41 AM
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks Male

Welcome to the Orchid Board!

You only need to post a question in one thread. Asking three times in different threads means you might get answers in three different places, which can be confusing. To reach the five posts, you can simply reply to another post in a thread and comment.

I have one of these. It needs a lot of water when in growth. It should never dry out, but neither should it stand in heavy, soggy potting medium. The fact the pseudobulb is shriveling means it either is not getting enough water, or the roots are dead.

How long have you had it? Did it arrive potted, or bare-root? What kind of medium is it growing in? How many pseudobulbs does it have? How large is the pot?

When you water, how do you do that? Can you tell how moist the medium is in between waterings?

What kind of light is it getting? Does the sun shine on the leaves?

What is the relative humidity in your environment?

Misting orchids, unless they are miniatures, is generally somewhere between a waste of time and a bad idea. It doesn't raise the humidity and it can predispose to fungal infections. Orchids take up water only through the roots.

Many miniature orchids are so small spraying with a spray bottle is fine for watering them, but I don't mist larger plants.
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Old 06-01-2018, 10:04 AM
mkampf mkampf is offline
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks

Hello-Thank you for the direction. I obviously do not know how to use this post, mia culpa.. I have only had this plant a month and it is potted in a 4x3 pot with what appears bark material. There are 3 (2 big and one small bulbs) in the pot. If I can figure out how to attach a picture, I will send.
I have been watering from a watering can about 3 times a week and check with a moisture meter before watering. The meter says it is completely dry before I water. I let is sit outside facing eastside -sun directly on leaves (I can move to more shaded are if needed) and we live in upstate NY. I bring in at night. We are running air conditioning and wondering if the drastic temp change in the evening is having a negative effect. There are about 2-3 long (2 1/2 feet) leaves each bulb and they are turning brown and shriveling. Please help me save the Dove..Thank you..
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Old 06-02-2018, 09:37 PM
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1. Take the photo.

2. Download the photo onto the computer.

3. Go on Orchidboard.

4. Find this post.

5. Scroll down the page and click on "Go Advanced".

6. Type your message.

7. Scroll down the page and find "Manage Attachments".

8. Click on "Manage Attachments".

9. Click on "Choose File".

10. Select the photo file and make sure it is set to the correct parameters/size.

11. Click on "Upload" once you are done.

12. Click on "Save Changes".

---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:31 PM ----------

Without seeing a photo of the plants to confirm what is happening, I think that there is extensive root damage happening. Please pull the plant out of the pot and take photos of the plant's root system.

Do you happen to know what healthy orchid roots look like or not? If you do not, do not be afraid to say so. We can tell you what they should look like.

Day and night temperature differentials should not be a big issue unless it is out of the temperature range that the orchid likes. Since no numerical values have been provided for the temperatures, it is difficult to say whether temperature was the culprit or not. Thermometers are dirt cheap, it is not necessary to get fancy thermometers that cost a lot of money to get this hobby going. If you're on a budget, you don't have to let this stop you.

Peristeria elata is an intermediate to warm growing orchid, (60 F - 95 F). It grows under moderately bright indirect light. It is also a terrestrial orchid. This orchid also experiences a wet season during the spring and summer months and a drier season, (not completely dry), in the fall and winter months.

Here is some information about it:

STRI Data Portal - Peristeria elata


It is not necessary to use potting soil to grow this orchid.

I'm gonna leave it at this for now until there are photos of the plant to see.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-02-2018 at 09:51 PM..
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Old 06-03-2018, 02:41 PM
mkampf mkampf is offline
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks
Default Dove orchid

Here are pics. I cleaned scissors and removed all the soggy roots. I re-potted in same material. I need to purchase new fir bark. anything else I need to do? How long has this been like this? I've had this plant a week, did I do this?
Attached Thumbnails
Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks-img_6960-jpg   Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks-img_6961-jpg   Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks-img_6969-jpg   Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks-img_6972-jpg   Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks-img_6974-jpg  

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Old 06-03-2018, 03:00 PM
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You probably didn't damage the roots within a week's period of time. Those roots look like they've been dead for quite a while already.

The leaves look sunburnt. Maybe reduce the intensity of light by just a little bit. This one would've been done within the week you got it.

The good news is the plant has new roots and is salvageable.

If you use fir bark, buy the large grade bark, but pick out the smaller to medium sized chunks and use these. Don't use the ones that are too large.

You could also try using lava rock and see if that works better for you.

Observe the seasonal wet/"dry" periods in cultivation as well.

By the way, don't be surprised if the damaged leaves eventually fall off. It'll still survive this if there are enough undamaged leaves left behind. If all the leaves fall off, it will have a tougher time recovering, but it could still recover.

Also, old leaves fall off too. That is natural.

Make no mistake about what I'm saying regarding the leaves though, and I'm going to repeat myself for clarity, I'm pretty sure your plant suffered some sunburn.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 06-03-2018 at 03:16 PM..
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Old 06-03-2018, 04:07 PM
mkampf mkampf is offline
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Dove orchid leaves with brown streaks

Ok. Thank you. I will repot in lava rock and keep in more shaded area. Again thank you. I hope it does ok
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Old 06-03-2018, 05:16 PM
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By the way, it is not necessary to mist the plant as was mentioned earlier by another member.
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brown, dove, leaves, water, watering

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