Originally Posted by Manu
Theres plenty of research and information regarding kelp and other hormones and their ability to generate root growth....
As far as I know, Superthrive is not a kelp product. If it is, the manufacturer has never disclosed kelp as being an ingredient for Superthrive. I don't really know all of the ingredients in Superthrive, and therefore, I don't have much to say about it. I can't say a lot of factual things about something for which I don't have the full information on.
I'm aware of the studies on kelp in correlation to inducing root growth in plants that you're talking about, by the way.
Again, to my knowledge, Superthrive is not a kelp product, and if so, the mention of the kelp studies on inducing root growth is not correlated with the use of Superthrive and inducing root growth. If anybody can verify that Superthrive is in fact a kelp product and provide the evidence for it, then the correlation can be made.
From reading the label, I do know that it contains vitamin B1 at 0.09% and 1-Naphthylacetic acid (aka NAA) at 0.048%.
Both ingredients do have the ability to induce root growth. However, I'm not certain if the concentrations are enough to encourage root growth in orchids.
NAA is a plant growth regulator/phytohormone.
Regarding your question as to whether or not the use of Superthrive is the cause of the genetic mutation in your Phal, like I said before, I don't really know, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a factor.
Originally Posted by Manu
I don't use it regularly, but do use it after I mount or repot and have seen the benefits.. I understand that's not necessary to thrive, but a little KLN, superthrive, kelpmax etc. Definitely helps getting root growth started!
I've tried it and I haven't seen much benefit to using it. I feel I can get the same results from not having to use Superthrive.
If you feel it benefits you, I'm not going to dissuade you from using it. I'm just stating my opinion on the matter based on what I've observed. There's a reason why I say that any benefits derived from the use of Superthrive is
currently anecdotal in regards to orchids. I was also implying that should you discontinue the use of Superthrive, the plant would be fine, which would in turn save you money in the long run.
Originally Posted by Manu
These plants are seed grown, if that makes a difference.
Doesn't really change the diagnosis. It's still a genetic mutation.
Genetic mutations can still occur in seed grown populations in plants, it is not unheard of.
To be honest, I don't even know if this gene mutation will continue to express itself or not on subsequent blooming cycles.