for what should i ask in shop? because i couldnt get to shop, my father went - and buyed what i said - sphagnum in my language - but he brought that sort of soil that is very nutrious, but not that moss that i saw on video
i am in nowhere so no... i am going to check tomorrow few shops in nearest town, after that i will check city where i study - or i need to find alternative
This is my Phal that I bought at a supermarket at discounted price. When I brought it home, it had beautiful roots but I guess I didn’t water it enough and I have dry air and all it’s roots dessicated except for one crooked little root. So, I potted in medium size bark and wrapped it’s base in sphagnum moss. I kept that moss moist all the time. Took about 3 months to grow that one fat stub of a root ( marked with arrow on bottom of the pic). Then it halted its growth and the tip of the root got darker and it wasn’t growing no more. So I decided to give full water culture a try. I put it in a glass container and filled it with water about 1/2 way. Only that one old crooked root is in water. The new root isn’t in the water and look within 3 weeks, you can see 5! New roots (marked with another arrow) starting to emerge and the root that grew in sphagnum is branching out. So you can give this method a try if you like. I keep it in water all week and then over the weekend wash and clean the base and leaves. I don’t know if I am doing all correctly but it seems to be working.
Hi, thanks to all - it looks like my orchid is saved - hopefully i will not botch something - went with sphag and bag method for month, after few new roots were created repotted it