Confusion regarding my new Clowesia Rebecca Northen Mikkabi
I just received this little clowesia and I'm a little confused as to what to do with it.
I'm a little familiar with castinae orchids with my Monnierara Mill. Magic Witchcraft doing well. At least I think it's doing well. I cant see the roots but the 9 buds it popped out look nice. I'm not assuming these two plants enjoy the same treatment, but I do know there is a leaf loss and dormancy period for both.
The website where I purchased this new one, the clowesia, said it liked medium light. It's also a little wobbly in its pot. I took it out of the pot to check for nasties and a lot of the roots are papery thin.
I've read some people cut off old roots on catasetum types because roots from old bulbs dont last long on their own anyway. Is that true here?
Is this plant in dormacy right now and needing a reduction in watering? It has this little bulb growing out of the big bulb, but I dont see any new roots growing (except for off the weird new bulb growing in the middle. There's one.) and I dont see any flower spike.
I'm just uncertain as to where this one is in its growth cycle and how to jump in with care. I'm also uncertain if it's mikabi or mikkabi. Lol
Thank you!