My orchid arrived and seems to be in ok shape, honestly I'm not sure what I'm looking for.
It has lots of very dry brown roots sticking out of the moss, I'm not sure if this is normal or not. One of the psuedobulbs has a black lesion on it and a few of the fronds have brown rust colored spots.
Are the spots something to be worried about and how do I know when to repot?
Looks pretty good I see a lot of fat, happy pseudobulbs so it looks nice and hydrated. The roots on these turn brown, so they look very different than the roots on something like a phal. Don’t cut them off, they could be very much alive. I wouldn’t worry about the rust spots unless they start spreading. Could have been a little infection from getting cold and wet leaves. Same for the black lesion, but is it soft at all?
Here is a pic of mine the last time I repotted it so you can see the roots (and looking at the date I took this, I need to do this again..). You could probably repot this now and be fine. It’s starting to warm up and these will start growing like crazy soon. You will start little green things coming from the base and also from the top of the plant
I have been researching S/H and it sounds like that would be of benefit to me because it would reduce the chance of any watering issues, especially since once a year I go on vacation for a week or so.
Sounds like you need to repot in S/H when the orchid is actively growing-is now a good time?