If all the roots look as nice as the ones that cane be seen through the pot, then it's a bit odd that the plant is so limp.
First step, cut that spike off because it's diverting water and energy from the plant. Keep it some place warm and not too bright (sounds like where you have it is fine).
It does sound similar to what happened with my Sedirea japonica (now classified as a Phal). I bought it potted in sphag, repotted it in a bark+sphag mixture, and then the leaves started going limp (but not as much as yours). Roots were perfectly fine. My best guess was the roots were used to the very moist environment they had in the packed sphag. So I kept the plant warm, and made sure to water as soon as the roots started turning silver again. I tried to find and stay just below the fine line between heavy watering and over-watering. After a month or so the plant started to firm up again and once new roots started growing it was out of the woods. Only had this with one plant, so I have no way of knowing if that was truly the problem.
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Last edited by camille1585; 03-22-2018 at 04:52 AM..