I'm new to orchid culture but thanks to folks like you I'm learning as I go along.
So in the last two weeks I received an dendrobium and two small cattleyas by mail. I took them out of the box and set them in my sunroom, but I'm not sure when to start watering them or fertilizing them. I'm looking for new root growth. I know not to transplant until then. But, what do I do in the meantime?
So, you are new to orchids and have gotten your first species orchid!
This dendrobium has a winter rest. Water it when it is actively growing. Live roots, live growths or spikes.
Here is a fairly concise description of its care. We orchid nerds are big on research.Dendrobium aphyllum – The Orchid Society of Karnataka
A picture would be helpful. What stage of growth is it in? Watering regiem is different for different stages of growth. However, I still would soak it initially. Use the maroon bar at the top to search for others experiences with it.