My wintertime humidity is in the 20s, maybe the 30s. While I can appreciate the advice to add a small portable humidifier, some of us have absolutely no space -- and I really do mean
no space -- for one.
My Phals are in medium Orchiata. It is a fast-draining potting medium, and I find that I am watering every three to four days, so say roughly twice a week. The ones that have aerial roots also get a
misting with each watering. I fertilize approximately weekly/weakly, but I don't keep track, and it could go to every other week.
I have only three Phals, but all of them seem happy, and two of them are in bloom. I grow on a table next to a south-facing window, with no supplemental lighting.
Good luck. I know each of us has our own preferences, which I respect, and no two homes are the same as far as growing conditions, so sometimes it takes a while to figure out what works best.

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