So, my Angraecum is doing terribly. I don't know what happened. I missed a single watering on Saturday because I was out of town. Went to water it Sunday afternoon and I found it like this:
Leaves dropped and blackening, stem turning black, and most of the roots completely shriveled up.
I do still have one root that is looking really good.
It's very green after I water and appears to be growing some new warts. I have other orchids in this terrarium that are doing really well; my jewel orchids that survived the horrible shipping disaster, and a restrepia spp. sitting in a pot in there, until I figure out where I'm going to put it permanently (probably in a very large orchid vivarium I'm building right now, with my gecko for good measure haha).
The angreaecum was supposed to be the centerpiece in this tank so I'm pretty bummed it appears to be dying and I didn't want to stress it even more by re-mounting it.
Is there anything I can do to save it? Is this really from just one day of missed watering/misting? I have been diligent about misting it every day. If one missed watering really caused this I'm going to be very annoyed.
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