Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal
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Old 02-12-2018, 11:13 PM
SundayGardener SundayGardener is offline
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal
Default Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal

Hello all,

As someone new to orchids, I have a lot of basic questions. I have books, I read the culture sheets, and of course I scour OrchidBoard. But here are a few things I'm just not sure about--all in one thread (and hopefully with pictures, although the quality isn't great). If uploading isn't the best way to go, let me know.

I have several cattleyas in their growth cycle, and here's a laeliocattleya with lots of new roots. Is the way it is growing normal behavior or is this shenanigans? One of the things I like about orchids is being able to see the roots but here I'm concerned there are more roots above the bark than below.

Then paphs. What should their roots look like? I have 3 paphs, and in an aircone pot I can see the roots and they always seem brown and shriveled even after being watered. Normal or unhealthy (dead?) root? The guy in the picture was just watered 5 hours earlier. I feel compelled to water, water, water until I see some green or plumping but that thinking leads to rot.

Then I have this potinara who, like the lc, is constantly trying to get out of her net pot (she's in bark, like the rest). Do I let her be? I know she doesn't look too healthy and I didn't type the name right on the image.

I actually read a lot about neofinetias before purchasing and thought I would be able to handle them. Picture shows Neostylis Lou Sneary bareroot in a plastic basket, in a vase with water (roots don't touch water). I have 3 neos and I've been misting every morning and evening. Humidity ranges from 30 to 60% (that's in a tent with humidifiers), temps from 65 to 72 F. I've read a lot about vandas in vase culture, with some people soaking the orchids, then propping in a vase (which is what I've been trying to do, but with misting), and others going full water culture. With mine, if the roots touch water all day, the tips turn black. I'm not sure how happy they are about touching the glass. Anyway, can I get away with soaking once a week? They get so brown and dry and sad looking.

Finally, to finish on the sad theme, I have this Vuylstekeara who arrived in poor condition and remains in poor condition, also in bark in a plastic pot with a ceramic cover pot. I keep her moist. Does she have a chance or is this a lost cause? I don't use spag because it's really hard for me to control the moisture level and there's not enough heat or air movement to prevent potential rotting. I've had her for 3 or 4 months and feel like I may be prolonging her misery.

Sorry if this is too long, or if it is better to post each question in a separate thread....I didn't want to post 5 threads at once. A big thank you to everyone who made it to the end of this post!
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-laeliocattleya-jpg   Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-paph-roots-jpg   Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-potimara-jpg   Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-lou-sneary-1-jpg   Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-lou-sneary-2-jpg  

Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-vuyl-jpg   Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal-vuyl-2-jpg  
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Old 02-12-2018, 11:30 PM
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal Male

The Lc. is growing normally. You could repot it right now, but you don't need to. The basket is large enough for a few more growths.

Normal Paph roots, like yours, are brown and fuzzy.

Some Cattleya hybrids (and other orchids, too) are always climbing up in the pot. Yours looks normal. It can be a challenge. When repotting, most people position the older growth buried into the medium, and the newer growth at the new medium level.

Vandas need to get their roots wet at least once a day. Once a week will not work. Some people are able to stretch the watering interval to every 2-3 days depending on temperatures. You don't have to stand them in water all the time. You can let them soak for a few hours, then pour out the water.

It's not generally a good idea to mist Neos every day in the winter. Have you read some of the growing information in the Neofinetia forum here?

Lou Sneary grows more like a proper Vanda than a Neo.

The Vuystekeara has been severly underwatered. It may not have viable roots left. Sphagnum moss kept moist (not sopping wet) is a good choice for these. In bark they often need daily watering. I don't know whether this will survive. To rescue it, I would choose water culture. Put it into a Scotch glass with just enough water to cover the bottom of the pseudobulbs. Change the water every few days, and don't let it go dry. When it begins rooting, repot to something you like, and keep it moist and humid.
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Old 02-13-2018, 12:18 PM
SundayGardener SundayGardener is offline
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal

THANK YOU! So helpful as always
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Old 02-25-2018, 11:15 PM
SundayGardener SundayGardener is offline
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal
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So there appears to be a tiny new growth on the vuyl. It's sitting on seramis/hydroton and covered with spagh, and pretty much continuously damp.
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Old 02-26-2018, 04:42 PM
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Many newbie questions--growth, failure to thrive, what is normal Male

Good news! These are tough plants.
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bark, pot, roots, vase, water

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