I have an orchid, a Phal I think that I was put in charge of taking care of while my partner is overseas.
Several months ago I was watering and saw a roach swim out of the bark, so I decided it might be a good idea to repot. When I did, I noticed that the roots were either rotten or decomposing. I cleaned a set of scissors and removed dead and rotting roots which left only aerial roots.
Recently, after some browsing of this forum and others, I decided to try and improve the health of this orchid. I've purchased Kelpmax in an attempt to improve root health, staked the orchid and have put a little moss (around perimeter of pot) to help improve moisture. The leaves are still wrinkly and I'm not seeing any signs of new growth.
Currently: I am
misting the aerial roots with water when they appear dry (silvery). It has spent most of its life in the bathroom, but I have moved it to another location when the weather gets colder.
The plant has sentimental value and I am hoping to save it. Any advice is appreciated!

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