<-- *EDIT* link here
Hi everybody! I am new here, so I am not very good with manoeuvring through the forums yet. I've been trying to attach my photos for about 2 hours now with no success
Anyways, my boyfriend bought me a phalaepnosis for my birthday about 2 months ago. I thought I was doing well– watering it every 7 days and putting it on a spot with limited sunlight behind my curtains. New flowers were even blooming! All of a sudden, the stem connecting to one flower became a light green– the flower eventually died. Now it's happening to all the other flowers! The leaves and stem of the rest of the plant is a rich, healthy green.
On the top of this thread is the URL of a site where I posted photos of my plant. The quality isn't the best (iphone), but it will do.
thank you for reading!