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Old 01-03-2018, 10:13 AM
Luxanna_crown Luxanna_crown is offline
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help
Default Vanda Miss Joaquim help

Hello everyone, I've had a small Vanda Miss Joaquim cutting that hasn't grown much in the past 2 years, it has grown a few leaves but that's about it. I haven't used fertilizers or done anything special for water so please correct me if I'm doing anything wrong I don't really know how to take care of Orchids. I was wondering what type of fertilizer I should use and how much to increase the growing speed?

Last edited by Luxanna_crown; 01-03-2018 at 10:16 AM..
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Old 01-03-2018, 11:41 AM
No-Pro-mwa No-Pro-mwa is offline
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help Female

Well I'm no Vanda expert but I'll give it a try. Someone with more experience will be along.

Oh and first of all welcome to the board.

You can use most any kind of orchid fertilizer. However we like to say they should be fertilized weakly weekly. I like to go with fertilizing them every time I water with a very weak mix. That come's from Ray on this board whom has grown orchids much longer than I. I've been using K-lite fert that you can get online from Kellys Korner or re-pot me. Those are the 2 I know of.

Vanda's take allot of light and need to be watered very well but dry fast. I hope that's right. How is your plant potted and in what. If you post 4 more times then you can post a picture which will help us to see how your orchid looks.

Edit: to say that orchids never do anything fast.
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Old 01-03-2018, 12:15 PM
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help Male

That particular vanda is a terete-leaved hybrid, so will likely require full, direct sun up in Canada, and definitely supplemental light in the winter.

All orchids need some food, and your lack of feeding certainly has impeded the plant's growth, but over-feeding it isn't going to boost the growth rate.

Whatever water-soluble fertilizer you buy, divide 4 by the %N on the label, and mix up the resulting number of teaspoons per gallon, and feed it every two weeks.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!

Last edited by Ray; 01-03-2018 at 12:18 PM..
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Old 01-03-2018, 03:49 PM
Luxanna_crown Luxanna_crown is offline
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help

Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa View Post
Well I'm no Vanda expert but I'll give it a try. Someone with more experience will be along.

Oh and first of all welcome to the board.

You can use most any kind of orchid fertilizer. However we like to say they should be fertilized weakly weekly. I like to go with fertilizing them every time I water with a very weak mix. That come's from Ray on this board whom has grown orchids much longer than I. I've been using K-lite fert that you can get online from Kellys Korner or re-pot me. Those are the 2 I know of.

Vanda's take allot of light and need to be watered very well but dry fast. I hope that's right. How is your plant potted and in what. If you post 4 more times then you can post a picture which will help us to see how your orchid looks.

Edit: to say that orchids never do anything fast.
I actually don't know what it's potted in but I think it's a charcoal, bark mix? I wasn't able to get K-lite but the local shop said they could make the same thing in powder form so I went with that .

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Ray View Post
That particular vanda is a terete-leaved hybrid, so will likely require full, direct sun up in Canada, and definitely supplemental light in the winter.

All orchids need some food, and your lack of feeding certainly has impeded the plant's growth, but over-feeding it isn't going to boost the growth rate.

Whatever water-soluble fertilizer you buy, divide 4 by the %N on the label, and mix up the resulting number of teaspoons per gallon, and feed it every two weeks.
I've been supplementing with 7000k daylight led's but it looks like it might be too much to handle cause one of the leaves is bending away from the light and looks a tad bit yellow. (Edit) After calling a local plant shop apparently I put the light too close to the orchid so I'll try making the light higher
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Last edited by Luxanna_crown; 01-03-2018 at 04:46 PM..
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Old 01-04-2018, 12:34 AM
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help Male

You can read about Vanda growing at the Motes Orchids Web site.

Martin Motes at Motes Orchids, and his neighbor Bob Fuchs at RF Orchids, say to feed Vandas very much more than what Ray recommended above. Now, in winter, your plant will not be growing much, but in summer it will grow better with a huge amount of fertilizer. My experience has been Vandas hardly grow at all with too little fertilizer.
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Old 01-04-2018, 09:06 AM
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help Male

Based upon visual clues from other items in that photo, based upon its size, that thing is years away from blooming under ideal conditions; you're in for the long haul.

Following up on ES' comment: my fertilizer recommendation was for right now. Once summer returns, and you have transitioned it into full sun, you'll definitely want to feed it more.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 01-04-2018, 07:29 PM
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Your plant will flower in four years provided you give it proper care. This kind of Vanda will need direct sun if ever possible and indoors it needs supplemental electric light not let it feel temperatures under 50F; hold fertilizer in winter and feed it and water it generously in the spring....otherwise as to what I read about your care=it is going to be fine.

Here is a link that might help you.

Vanda Miss Joaquim 'Douglas' 4N

Last edited by Bud; 01-04-2018 at 07:36 PM..
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Old 01-04-2018, 08:11 PM
Luxanna_crown Luxanna_crown is offline
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help

Originally Posted by Bud View Post
Your plant will flower in four years provided you give it proper care. This kind of Vanda will need direct sun if ever possible and indoors it needs supplemental electric light not let it feel temperatures under 50F; hold fertilizer in winter and feed it and water it generously in the spring....otherwise as to what I read about your care=it is going to be fine.
Thank you! Oh wow 4 years that's quite a bit :O
How often should I be watering?
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Old 01-14-2018, 01:25 AM
SharonQLD SharonQLD is offline
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Vanda Miss Joaquim help Female

I am not am expert, but I seem to be doing OK growing Vanda orchids. What I have learnt is first you have to get the right light, watering and temperature to suit your plant then you sort out fertilizer. Every area is different as are greenhouses. At present I have 50% sola weave to let some sun in and keep the rain out. where I live it is very sunny and can also be very wet. At present it is summer so I am watering my Vanda's twice a day and fertilizing with 1/4 strength fertilizer 3 or 4 times a week. Calcium nitrate 1.5g per litre twice a month and a liquid seaweed fertilizer once a month also 1/4 strength. This is their peak growing time for me I adjust the watering and fertilizing as the weather cools down. Vanda's are worth the extra work but I love being out in the greenhouse looking after them. This is a long reply but basically adjust to suit your situation.
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