I actually have a few things to touch on. I recently moved across the country from Illinois to upstate New York. I had my phals growing quite nicely and becoming more healthy back home but now since the move, so many things have changed it's hard to pinpoint what's going on.
Part 1 - my phals haven't spiked since I got them almost 2 years ago. I have one that has a Keiki on it that I need to cut and replant but other than that - NO ACTION! I fertilize weakly weekly which helped a lot with growth but not with spikes. I'm sure I have something wrong but I'm not sure what.
Part 2 - as far as the Keiki goes - that poor phal looks like it's not doing so hot. It was quite healthy when it sprouted the Keiki in the first place but not doing well since the move. I don't know much about these adorable little clones but do they drain from the parent plant? Will it help the parent plant when I replant the baby? I know there are other factors but just wondering if this might also be one.
Part 3 - it's winter and of course my phals need MORE light. I finally got a small grow light for Christmas from a friend but I'm not sure if it's the right thing much less how to use it. I know phals need indirect sunlight, currently, they are in a south facing window that has some mild tree cover so the light is filtered. Though it doesn't matter because in winter - DARKNESS is constant! How far does the light I have need to be away from my phals? Can it be right over them or will this also cause issues?
Thanks for any and all help