Hi CC, I'm no Dend expert either! Are there any here?
I do have a few. If it were mine, I would not cut it at all unless you want another plant. Actually if it were mine I probably
would cut it, but I would be best for the plant If you didn't. I think the aerial roots look cool.
For the best show, I would leave as much healthy plant intact as possible. Flowering will take a combination of a few things, but the most important is light. As the weather warms, gradually increase the light (the leaves look a little too dark green). These guys can take a lot more light than you would think, and a LOT more than a Phalenopsis.

Just move it gradually - like once a week to a slightly brighter spot. It's hard to tell by the photo, but it may benefit from a repotting. But pot it into the smallest pot that the roots will fit in. They like to be root bound. Let the potting mix become COMPLETELY dry before drenching it again. Fertilize regularly. Clear as mud?
If you DO decide to cut it, let the wound dry completely before you pot it up. I'd put the new 'cutting' in a shadier location and keep the potting media dry-ish but humidity high. Clear as mud?