My orchids have the winter blues
We're slowly recovering from a recent discovery of mealy bugs (hopefully stopped by bayer-3 and repotting). But I'm also remembering, as I do every year after getting carried away by summer, that I really don't know how to care for indoor plants during Wisconsin winters.
I have a humidifer by my shelving but humidity can swing from 30% to 60%. I have water trays, but they don't seem to make much of a difference. Most problems that I've had with root rot seem to happen in the winter, because everything always seems dry. I've got everything pretty much in straight bark right now, because mealy bug repotting aside, moss always seems to get too clammy in the winter. I have some neos in baskets in the neck of vases filled with water (no roots touch water). My catts look especially miserable and I really don't know what to do for them! The oncidiums are hanging in there but not looking overjoyed.
Anyone with more experience in colder climates have advice?