I thought I do an update here. Is growing too thick. I did some trimming last month and to put them on my Latouriate Dendrobium. I think the trimming is growing because the head is turning slightly red. Unfortunately, I noticed that my Dendrobium Frosty Dawn medium (where the live sphagnum moss has been growing) is not getting dried up fast enough. I am seeing fuzzy white hair on the bottom roots and the underside of the basket.
So, just now, I cut down about half of them. They were growing over the basket. I even pull out few chunks to get the medium a bit more looser. I have enough to replant them on a 12" size tray. I needed to throw out a baseball size portion too. Originally, I thought these live spagnum moss was growing on top of the dormant ones. Actually, no...the entire dormant ones turned live at some point. They smell like seaweed though.
Since not all of my dormant sphagnum moss medium drying the same rate in my other orchids, I thought some would just die away. I didn't add them to my other orchids...
Last edited by Tetra73; 02-08-2018 at 04:35 PM..