My new possessions. Miltoniopsis, oncidium, and paph
Hi, guys. Here are my three newcomers I just received from amazon. I was so excited but upon removing them out of their containers, I think my excitement is nearly gone. Path has these blackened roots that I am not sure about. Correct me if I am wrong but I don’t see a single live root and even the leaves are all wrinkled and the stem has some black rot too. Or is this normal for this orchid to have these brown black roots?
Miltoniopsis is in a pretty bad condition too but has a few new roots it seems. Oncidium has a few white, seemingly live-looking roots. Never had oncidiums so don’t know what good roots look like. What do you think? Does any of them stand a chance? Thanks
Last edited by Irisha99; 11-20-2017 at 08:12 PM..