Originally Posted by estación seca
It was fine either way. When they've been in the same pot that long the medium often is breaking down, and that becomes the reason you need to divide. Also, how much plant can you lift?
I agree on both counts... if it has been in the pot for 3 years or more, it definitely needs repotting. Wrestling with a big, overgrown Cym is a physical challenge. Not only do you have to lift it, but you have to get it sufficiently apart to get some of those old back bulbs out of there. It is less damaging to tear it apart than to cut, since it will break along natural lines with minimum ancillary damage to good p-bulbs and roots. But depending on the strength of one's hands that may or may not be possible. When dividing, don't be too aggressive - the p-bulbs on this look fairly small, so you'd want divisions with at least 5 p-bulbs (big standard Cyms are OK with 3) But then too, how many of these plants do you want? In the photo, it looks like one could get two nice, robust divisions. Maybe 3. If the divisions are big, they may very well bloom the following fall. If small, they would have to get big again, and probably would miss a year. So I favor a few robust divisions rather than many puny ones.