Many folks say to underpot Phals for some reason.
I've repotted a couple of new phals that were in bloom. Neither dropped their blooms and both continued to bloom for several months.
One had 8 or 9 blooms and developed a small branch with 3 more blooms I think that one was in bloom for 5-6 months and I repotted in the first month.
The other had about 21 blooms on several spikes and was in bloom for about 3.5 months. I repotted it after about a week.
I repotted one from the sphag that it was in when I bought it into conventional bark mix. The other was repotted out of sphag into leca and a S/H setup. The one is putting out new roots like mad and is on its second new leaf. The other had a pretty big root system already that seems healthy still and is also on it's second new leaf.
I'm just hoping not to kill them!
Last edited by nogreenthumbs; 10-22-2017 at 10:48 AM..