This orchid is one of the two that taught me what it means not enough light.
The growth of the pbulb with a blue dot was already there when i got it in february, it then matured and it was quite small, I tought it was becuse of stress as I got it bareroot, and was actually the first orchid I ever potted and the potting was probably subideal. After it matured it didnt do anything util I put it outside; then the root growth began, and in the summer it produced a new growth (the one with a green dot), this one matured middle of august, and to my satisfaction it's so big, round and plump, it looks like a small pumpkin
It then started new growth in the middle of september, and to my surprise i discovered a second and a third one a week or so later...
This one is definitely getting a bright spot when i move them inside and I hope they will get so big as the summer one - If they do, it should be blooming size, right?