Welcome to the Orchid Board, niki_nicole!
You need 5 posts before you can add photos - something to do with spammer protection. And I don't think you can use Google Drive to add photos to your posts on Orchid Board like that. This thread tells you how to add photos:
Tips for posting Photos
That thread is in the About this Forum forum, accessible via the left menu item, Forums.
I don't grow Lycastes, but they like cool nights. I wouldn't worry about them just yet. When people bring their orchids in for the winter, those are usually some of the last ones that need to come in.
Same with Cymbidiums. In fact, many Cyms require cool nights in late summer to fall in order to flower the next spring.
Dendrobium is an enormous genus. Some species and hybrids need to stay warm. Others are fine with cool nights. Until we see your plant we won't be able to tell for sure. To be safe I would bring it in until we know what kind it is.
Cattleyas will usually be OK with nights like that if the next day warms up quite a bit. If you have a week or two of cool, cloudy weather, that won't be OK with them.