Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store
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Old 09-29-2017, 11:40 AM
greenpassion greenpassion is offline
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Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store Female

Wow! I have never seen anything like that in a grocery store here in Vermont. I see a lot of phalaenopsis orchids but I have never seen oncidiums or anything oncidium like. They are beautiful.
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Old 09-29-2017, 01:08 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store Female

Camille, you have a point but the one problem I did not mention was the high incidence of virus in many of these plants. A recent trip through Costco showed 1/2 of the Phals with signs of virus. I guess ignorance is bliss on the part of the buyer in this case, but it is a hard way to learn. AS I said it is a sign of the times as orchids without names become the commercial roses and chrysanthemums of the potted flower trade.
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Old 09-29-2017, 01:22 PM
nogreenthumbs nogreenthumbs is offline
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Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store Male

I want to know what I'm growing both so I know, but also because I want to understand it's parentage so I can hopefully, understand it's character a bit, cool/warm, dry/wet, etc... so I can hopefully, grow it better.

Some of the plants and their blooms and buds were really spectacular, and I wanted them, but I'd rather go know what I'm getting and get it from a local place.
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Old 09-29-2017, 02:11 PM
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Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store Male

One way I keep myself from buying these is by telling myself I'll only buy one if it's good and fragrant.
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Old 09-29-2017, 02:37 PM
rbarata rbarata is offline
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Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store Male

I collect different genus so if I find one that interests me and I don't have my impluse is to buy it.
But, as I have a good self-control (with the the help of money and space shortage) sometimes I skip some.

But I reckon lately I've been more into species or known hybrids.

About the virus, if I haven't started to collect orchids I wouldn't care about virus. Now I know something about them so, as well as "spreading the word", supermarket NOIDS also play a role in education.
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Old 09-29-2017, 02:37 PM
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Saw some cool NoID stuff at the grocery store

I see nothing wrong with the store-bought orchids. I often buy them as gifts and nearly all of our new Orchid Society Members were introduced to orchids through these plants. I am not sure how people would otherwise get hooked on orchids. These cheap Phals and Oncidiums, I think, are a great introduction to orchids as they are usually spectacular specimens as well as being more durable and quite perfect for those who just want to try orchids to see if they can actually grow them before making the investment into the more expensive orchids.

My first orchids came from Phipps Conservatory (Pittsburgh, Pa) around twenty years ago. They were rootless, single canes of Phal-type Dendrobiums that Phipps was selling off after a show. I bought a pair of canes and planted them in some bark I had to enrich the soil of my other plants, then forgot about them except to water them when I watered my other plants. The blooms and foliage were so unspectacular compared to my other plants that I gave them away and quickly forgot completely about ever having them. After that, someone gave me a pair of seedlings, a Vanda and Cattleya, for house-sitting while they were on vacation. Again, I was not impressed as they were not as exciting as my jasmines, citrus, passiflora or other plants that I grew. These were not the best introductions to orchids. I did not get interested in orchids until I had read the Rex Stout mysteries.

As for viruses, I have decided to do what I can to prevent them but not worry overly much. If an orchid does not grow well or shows color break in the flowers, it will be tossed. With most other plants, people value those that are resistant and productive despite being infected. I grow many of these other plants and one type even shows virus symptoms but are still very productive. I love my other plants and have decided to keep them. Maybe orchid breeders need to develop orchids that are resistant to viruses and that, even when infected, will not show symptoms.

I have been told that plant viruses are now everywhere. Neighbors might grow Hostas, trees, varigated ornamental grasses...if you have plants outside, they might be infected with some sort of virus.
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Last edited by Leafmite; 09-30-2017 at 12:36 AM..
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