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I think your Vanda can survive and grow.
Vandas require very much more water, light and fertilizer than most other orchids. You will need to get the roots completely soaking wet at least once per day.
They like sun shining on the leaves for at least 3-4 hours a day, but there must also be good air circulation, or the leaves may burn from heat buildup.
You won't need to fertilize while your plants is recovering. Once the leaves plump up, though, you will want to fertilize enough that there is a 1 centimeter wide, very pale green band of emerging tissue at the bases of the most recently emerging leaves.
You will read Vandas need high humidity. Many of us have found they do fine inside typical houses, with 30%-40% relative humidity, if watered enough.
Many people grow them in pots with large-chunk bark, or clay hydroponics balls. Others grow them in baskets, no media, with roots dangling in the air. Still others grow them in glass vases, sometimes with a little water in the bottom all the time.
Use the Search function in the top maroon bar to look up a thread Growing Vandas in Glass Vases. You can read a lot there.