Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow
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Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow
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Old 09-10-2017, 08:04 PM
mem1220 mem1220 is offline
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Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow
Default Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow

I have had this phalaenopsis since mid February that was gifted to me. It had blooms at the time and some new buds that continued to bloom through late April until they all fell off, probably due to over watering. I have been trying to leave it alone and not kill it. I have limited watering since then, and have also increased humidity by placing other flowers, e.g tulips nearby. In early June, I noticed a new spike starting to grow from the node below where the lowest last flower was. It is now about 6 inches long and now within the past week and a half a new "spike" growing from the 3rd node from the top. However, the top of this spike is now very soft and turning lighter in color, and seems to be gradually moving further down. The air roots of this plant are dried out, but were not in the best condition when received the plant. Now -the leaves are soft, limp, and wrinkly. I really need to keep this thing alive and would appreciate any advice. Especially since there is new growth. I am most concerned about the lighter color portion of the spike and it's proximity to the newest "spike." I would really like to see this plant flower again.

I've attached photos of the roots, leaves, the new growth from last week, and the same portion but from today.

Thank you!
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Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow-img_0061-jpg   Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow-img_0062-jpg   Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow-img_0066-jpg   Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow-img_0089-jpg  
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Old 09-10-2017, 09:27 PM
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Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow Male

I wouldn't worry about the spikes, worry about the plant. It is severely dessicated, either from underwatering or lack of roots. Most of the visible roots in the first photo do note look healthy and I suspect the ones in the potting media do not look much better. A repot with removal of the dead roots and the use of an appropriate fresh mix would do it wonders.
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Old 09-10-2017, 10:34 PM
Cheddarbob14 Cheddarbob14 is offline
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Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow Male

I was given a severely neglected phal from my mother in law about 8 months ago. Only 3 small, shriveled up leaves, not 1 "standard" root, about 4 or 5 air roots. I thought why not try full water culture, I didn't have much to lose. So I put it in an appropriately sized mason jar, gave it a full root soak with some Inocucor and kelp max overnight, then drained, and filled to cover about 20% of the roots. I can't believe how well it has done since then, we'll enough, that I've transferred my 3 other phal into the same culture. The bottom 20% of roots are always in water, once a week I completely cover the roots with fertilizer at 25ppm N, every other feeding i add the Inocucor and kelp max. I'll provide a photo tomorrow. Just my 2 cents on what worked for me in rescuing a phal. I grow them indoors, near an east facing bay window, in the SE corner of my house fyi.
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Old 09-11-2017, 02:24 AM
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Phalaenopsis with new spikes turning yellow Male

Welcome to the Orchid Board!

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I would cut off the flower spikes. The plant can't take in enough water with minimal to no roots.
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Old 09-11-2017, 03:09 AM
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Originally Posted by estación seca View Post
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I would cut off the flower spikes. The plant can't take in enough water with minimal to no roots.
Exactly what I was going to post. Growing spikes/buds require a lot of energy, which your plant doesn't have. If the spike is yellowing it is probably the plant taking that decision for you- it can't support a spike right now. The thread linked in the post is packed full of great advice.

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