I was given a severely neglected phal from my mother in law about 8 months ago. Only 3 small, shriveled up leaves, not 1 "standard" root, about 4 or 5 air roots. I thought why not try full water culture, I didn't have much to lose. So I put it in an appropriately sized mason jar, gave it a full root soak with some Inocucor and kelp max overnight, then drained, and filled to cover about 20% of the roots. I can't believe how well it has done since then, we'll enough, that I've transferred my 3 other phal into the same culture. The bottom 20% of roots are always in water, once a week I completely cover the roots with fertilizer at 25ppm N, every other feeding i add the Inocucor and kelp max. I'll provide a photo tomorrow. Just my 2 cents on what worked for me in rescuing a phal. I grow them indoors, near an east facing bay window, in the SE corner of my house fyi.