ES, I just looked at Ray's site again and found the calculator chart. Has that Always been on the site? I don't remember seeing it before. (Actually there were a Number of things I didn't remember from before, re lighting and humidity and some of the other questions I've been asking about). 😂 I think it's just that I needed the explanations you guys have been giving me to even Notice things. But now I can put two and two together better. 😬
Looking at the chart, I see that my confusion about dividing by 10 vs 2 had to do with two Different desired ppm of nitrogen. So no conflict and I finally get it 😊
And a big Shout Out to Ray: Thanks for putting together all that helpful information in one place, and in such an organized fashion, for us! So helpful and clarifies a lot...even if you're someone like me and have to read it over multiple times 😜