Originally Posted by Arizona Jeanie
I only have a few plants, but I like to try different ways of growing them and see what works best. It's pretty hot and dry where I live, so I have a question for you experts: do you think I could just mount one on a block of ice? This might be closer to the natural environment where they grow in the upper reaches of the Himalayas. Maybe just use the dry ice when it's time to chill them in the Fall? I do like to keep it organic as much as possible, I like the idea of using organic ice for this project. It's hard to find locally, maybe I can find some online and have it shipped.
Try mounting them to a mix of solid oxygen 90%, nitrogen 5%, magnesium 2%, calcium 2%, and other minerals 1%. This will superventilate the roots as it is oxygen. The other minerals will automatically fertilize your orchids so you don't need to.
Originally Posted by Mountaineer370
Now, see, is it any wonder the average person believes orchids are difficult and complicated to grow?
So if you freeze your orchid do you like chip the ice to propagate it?