The keiki is growing from the end of the stem. It is right in the center of the leaves. Most keikis eventually have roots. I have not seen any roots so how would I repot the new growth? I am also getting several new growths from the outer edges of the plant. Also the growth in the center is leafless and as much as I would like to keep it a specimen plant it does need repotting. The orchid is D. delicatum x J. Christie.
Patience is a virtue. The keiki will produce roots when it is ready. I have a keiki that bore flowers before it produced roots. You can repot it and still make it a large specimen size. Large specimens bring magnificent bouquet of flowers. Unless you intend to sell, then you can divide it into smaller pots.
That is so strange ! I will be patient if it means a new plant. All new growth is on the outside and it gets larger every year. The center has smaller leafless bulbs. If keiki gets roots I will repot the plant .
I managed to induced roots in a phal keiki (that did not have roots for over a year) by wrapping the bottom of the keiki with moist cotton (I guess sphagnum would have been better). In just a few days, roots started to appear.