Originally Posted by OhioGranny
I enjoy putzing with my plants too so watering my phal more often will work. I'm just concerned about root rot. My first orchid was also solely in bark but at the time I didn't know about keeping water out of the crown and between the leaves so I watered/soaked it wrong which caused it's demise.
I try and fill the crowns of my phals with water, but I can't, as the water runs out in seconds. Try it if you don't believe me.
For two years I did this at every watering, washing the leaves, filling the crown and soaking the plant. I didn't lose a single plant.
I would bet good money that wetting the crown had nothing to do with its death.
What will damage them is watering them with cold water. It is always best to water early in the day with ambient temperature water.
Excessive heat and cold will initiate crown rot, not sensible watering. Thinkk about these plants in the wild when it rains. There are no orchid pixies to dry their crowns out there.
"Wetting the crown" is an urban legend which has reached the status of fact, and has been repeated so many times that it is accepted as fact.