Good Evening
Well my sis in law gave me an orchid she has had for 2 years, still in the same pot, no drainage. It has been doing well and giving me 4 leaves coming from center of plant and now leaves are coming in from the base of plant.
Today was transpanting day as I have many new starters of other plants and decided my orchid needed some space and drainage. When I lifted it out it was saturated with water to the point I would tip it over and water would run out. i also have 2 spikes coming upward on the plant. To my surprise when I lifted it out all the root system is a beautiful green, so I talked to it and cleaned it up and repotted. I hope I did ok.
the second orchid left on my doorstep I had posted about a week ago has a lovely keiki growing, now has 5 roots about 3 inches long now coming from a bud on the stem and has 4 leaves. There are 3 other keikis on this orchid. Believe it is a Phal but not sure as I am so new to orchids. This plant has 6 stems that the flowers grew on, tiny white ones but on the stem. I would like to transplant the biggest keiki but there are so many many ways of doing this and am a little nervous. it is in my album but now of course its bigger. I am so excited about this and planning on getting more from the store as the manager said what dont sell he will give me. Looking forward and waiting patiently about answer for transplanting the bigger keiki. Thankyou from Ottawa Ontario.