Psychopsis decline...?
My psychopsis had three new shoots die consecutively. I haven't changed my growing conditions, and I am confused why it's being fussy all of a sudden. I wonder if someone can advise me on getting it back on track.
It's in a sphag / bark mix in a net pot. I water it heavily and let it dry out a few days before I water again. It's next to a south facing window where the temperature is relatively steady at 75 oF. It's been in the same spot for 2 years.
It has 3 mature bulbs, and a fourth one that's nearly finished growing. In the meantime, one by one a new shoot would show up, grow to about a 1/4", and turn brown or black.
The only thing I can think is that I was watering it from above, splashing on the new shoots. Read somewhere that it's inadvisable.
Also, the weather has been cloudy/rainy for the past few weeks...