Originally Posted by Orchid grower
Thank you so much for the advice! I found the Phal abuse thread very helpful.
I bought it yesterday and right when I got home I removed a lot of the moss media because it was packed very tightly and then gave a thorough soak in water. When I did remove the moss from the middle I did notice a smell so it probably does need a repot but I'm a bit nervous..
Do you have any advice on how I should go about repotting with the least shock to the system? I usually use a bark medium made by the brand pro mix.
Would the Orchids system be disturbed by me going from moss to bark?
Thank you so much for your help and everyone else for replying! So happy I found a community to guide me through my Orchid journey.
If the moss is smelly, then by all means repot now. gently remove as much of the moss as you can without breaking good roots (dark mushy ones are bad anyway, so losing those is fine.) If you have some Physan, spraying the roots might be a good idea to kill mold, etc. If not, just rinse well under running water. Then repot into that small bark mix. The old roots that are still good will keep the plant going until it grows some new ones. Once it does, those will probably die and that's fine - change of media tends to do that, but the new ones will be healthy and efficient.