Hi All,
I have a dendrobium "Princess asai" that I have had for a few years and it has never flowered. I have tried it in the sun but took it out when the leaves showed signs of burning. The plant has 12 stems the longest one being over a meter so it is not that young, any ideas where to put it to get it to flower. The sun is still pretty harsh this time of year.
I wonder if your plant is mislabeled. A little Googling indicates that Den. Princess Asai is a compact den hybrid, with canes 20 cm. long. Anyway, if it is a nobile hybrid, it may need a dry or semi-dry cool rest in winter to spur blooms. Have you done this?
Thanks for the reply, we are coming up to winter here so I will try your advice and get the plant out the rain/weather this winter and see what happens