Cheddarbob14 |
03-10-2017 02:24 PM |
For an emergency situation, smaller space especially, type "Terra cotta heater" in Google. Only requires a tea light candle for the heat source, and I'd imagine there's a few of us orchid owners that may have a Terra cotta pot or 2. There are many variations using different style candles also.
---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
Ok, I have a few minutes. In regards to this wind storm/mass power outage in Mi......biggest outage in dte's history. The amount of wires down has been astronomical. Even on bigger storms, usually within 24 hrs, all of us are back to restoring power exclusively. The priority being public safety, most of us did what we call "cut and run" thru yesterday evening. Many are still doing it today. Cutting all wires that are in contact with anything on the ground or within reach. It's obviously a good thing, but what's bad, is that it creates a lot more work when going to put the wire back. Instead of using whats there, we are starting from scratch. Sometimes it's only 1 span (from 1 pole to the next), sometimes it's the length of the entire block. Not to mention all the broken poles, arms, transformers, etc.. My crew was not able to restore 1 house yesterday, we actually had to cut (what was partial) power to 2 blocks in order to prevent more wire from burning to the ground. For the few in this thread that don't have it, we are busting our humps trying to get it all back on, 16 hrs a day until the last person affected by the storm has the lights back on. Over 2,000 lineman have been brought in from out of state and are up and running as of this morning. Outages will start to drop dramatically starting this evening, but many will be without power for a week. We don't get any preferential treatment either, my crew leader has no power at his house and doesn't have a crew even assigned to his outage today, so at the very least he's out until tomorrow night.
Side note, the mass amount of OT is very nice for the checking account. I get paid next Thursday.......2 days before my 1st trip to an orchid show (Ann Arbor Orchid Festival), I'll be making some vendors happy:biggrin:
Edit-1. The worst thing that anyone can do to us.....come up and ask when the power is gonna come back on, then go into why it's so important that your power comes back on. It only delays your power from coming back on. Spent altogether around 2 +hours yesterday being polite and listening to customers.
Edit-2 it's very good to be close to a substation, less lines available to have something go wrong whether overhead or underground. Plus if you're power is out, you are most likely part of a much larger outage, which is going to take precedence over a much smaller outage