ohmygosh! I recently "discovered" Holcoglossum amesianum! Intoxicating fragrance! I'm not good at likening fragrances to others, but like gardenia maybe? Heady, floral - strong enough to lightly catch it several feet away, but not so strong as to give me a headache
I in fact found this one by it's fragrance - I was looking over orchids at a retail nursery, smelled something fabulous, and was trying to figure out which it was - I could only see mostly Onc intergenerics, none that I thought would have such a fragrance, but checked a few, none the less ... behind some Cyms I saw some blooms that looked rather like small Phal blooms, but not quite like Phals, I looked down to see the plant - and saw - a terete Vanda ? (Honestly, would have never expected this place to have something like that!) I picked it up to look at it better, and realized it was what smelled so wonderful!

I hesitated a bit in buying it, as I really had no idea if I could grow it (and the price was more than I really wanted to spend, especially FOR something I was unsure about growing), but the fragrance literally intoxicated me, I guess ;p I found out while paying, that this chain has a life time guarantee on plants! Made me feel much better

But, so far (just a couple of months) it's doing fine.

When I got home, I was looking up cultural info, and was relieved to find it's cool to warm growing, so at least I don't need to worry that it will be unhappy temperature-wise.